April has come ladies and gentlemen! The time is upon us to pull our two wheeled machines out from under their covers, check the battery, check the tire pressure, crank them over and stretch out their legs. Nothing better than the sun on your face and the wind in your hair… until you get cut off by the guy texting and lay the bike down. Then, instead of kissing the air of freedom, you’ll be kissing the asphalt.
In the spirit of transparency, I disagree with helmet laws. Should we all be wearing helmets when we throw a leg over our machines? Of course. But, this is the United States, and people should have the freedom to make their own mistakes. Then again, not wearing a helmet could be your LAST mistake, but that isn’t the government’s business.
According to the CDC, wearing a helmet while riding reduces the risk of death by 37% and reduces the risk of serious head injuries by 69%. “But helmets don’t look cool…” We’re bikers, since when do we care about other people’s opinions? “Helmets are uncomfortable…” So are neck ties, but I still wear one when I have to. Plus, anyone who rides a lot knows the feeling of a bug hitting them in the forehead at 70 mph, it’s not fun.